About KIRA

Message from the President

KIRA | (사)한국ICT리스타트협회 과학기술정보통신부 산하 비영리법인 사단법인 한국아이씨티리스타트협회 KIRA

KIRA Korea ICT Restart Association

The moment we stand on the deepest bottom of the sea of despair, all that remains for us is hope.

This is a place of hope for all who refuse to give up on life, a collaborative community for those who embrace endless challenges.

Failure and setbacks are a natural and healthy part of our society’s journey. They are the challenges our predecessors faced, the trials we must overcome, and the hurdles we should help the next generation surmount.

If you’ve been disheartened by failure and overcome with despair, then it means the time to rise again is drawing near.

The doors of our association are always open to everyone who is ready to light another beacon in our society.


KIRA Korea ICT Restart Association
Second President Kyuil Kim